A little sunshine…

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One of the most creative and prolific of my online friends, Viv Halliwell, who blogs at Within the Frame, has nominated some of us for the Sunshine Award. So to thank you, Viv, here are a couple of sunny images for you from my garden. I call them “the last of the cosmos.”

Viv hails from Somerset in the south of England, and we’ve gotten to know each other through the magic of social media, after taking a course in photographic art from Kim Klassen. (We call ourselves Kim’s “groupies” on Facebook.)

Viv is the type of person who brings people together and promotes community. She is unfailingly encouraging and supportive of her groupies and never ceases to amaze us with the inventive composites and textured art she whips up, often using images from her fascinating travels. Really, it is impossible to keep up with her!

She has come up with 10 questions to answer as part of the rules of this award. So here goes…

1. What is your favourite season?

Thank you for an easy one. Fall for sure. Evidence here.

2.  City or country?

Not so easy. Most of my life I’ve lived in big cities and I enjoy their energy, cultural offerings and diversity. New York is one of my all-time favorite cities in the world. So is Paris. So is Singapore. And unlike many Canadians, I really do like Toronto. Oh and of course, Ottawa, where I lived for 30 years. But now I live in a small town, with countryside all around, and I am totally loving it. Being surrounded by nature is wonderful.

3.  Do you prefer black and white or colour photography?

Again, not an easy one. I am enamoured with and fascinated by colour in general — “colour is a power which directly influences the soul,” Kandinky said — so most of my own images are in colour. I also prefer colour photography when looking at a computer screen. But I really appreciate black and white prints on a wall — cityscapes, portraits, landscapes, street photography — and I am planning to do more in the future. I just saw an exhibition of Ansel Adams’ most famous images up close and was mesmerized by their power and artistry. 

4. Who do you look up to?

Anyone who exudes a sense of peaceful aliveness and embodies compassion, kindness and humility. Anyone who follows their muse to create and contribute from their heart, without worrying about what others think of them. A variety of women writers and artists past and present are on my list. Virginia Woolf, Georgia O’Keeffe, Tina Modotti…to name a few…So are Thich Nhat Hanh and Aung San Suu Kyi.

5.  If you could travel anywhere where would it be?

Oh heavens. I’m with Susan Sontag, who said: “I haven’t been everywhere, but it’s on my list.” I’ve had the good fortune to see more of the world than I thought I would as a child, but there are so many places I still want to travel to. If you had to pin me down, I would say Iceland. I’ve been obsessed with this country for decades. I really should have gone by now.

6.  Tea or coffee ? What is your favourite beverage?

Coffee would have to edge out tea by a hair, especially in the morning, but I like both. And I’m glad to know that they’re both good for you. Coffee has tons of fibre and tea can prevent all sorts of diseases if you don’t drink it with milk.

7.   Do you have a favourite place to visit ? Where is it?

New York City. I’ve been 11 times, and in a few weeks, it will be 12.

8   What is your favourite recipe? Your fallback recipe?

So I just asked my other half this question and he said: “You don’t have a favorite recipe. You always like to make something new.” Then he said a smoothie since I have one almost every morning. Does that count? My fall back recipe would have to be hot crab dip for entertaining. Although I’m getting a bit bored with that.

9.   Christmas fan? or do you love another holiday?

My sister is the Christmas fan in our family. She has been known to put up nine themed trees in her house! I love that Christmas often brings out generosity in people and reminds us to share our good fortune with others. But as for the commercialism and the pressure and the high expectations that too often surround it and make people broke and miserable, I’m not a fan. 

10. Your favourite film?

Mamma Mia for its sheer joie de vivre. Plus, I love the location.

So, now here are my nominations for the Sunshine Award.

I’m nominating you because you and your blog inspire me and bring sunshine to my days. It is a small way to honour that…

Laurie Sriver, Pride in Photos

Diane Schuller

Susan Licht, Licht Years

Lisa Gordon, Lisa Gordon Photography

Laurie MacBride  Eye on Environment

Sandra Byles, Reflections and Nature

Gracie Binoya, Frames and Focus

Sherry Smyth, Charlotte Jane

Nicole Meisters, The Art of Living in Every Moment

Indigo Janson, Delightful Discoveries

If you’d prefer not to accept the award, for whatever reason, no problem.  Maybe the timing is not right….There’s no pressure and no hard feelings.  If you wish to just answer the questions, that’s OK too. But if you do want to join in the fun, here are the “rules”:

1. Include the award logo in a post or on your blog.

2. Link to the person who nominated you.

3. Answer 10 questions about yourself and write 10 questions for your nominees to answer.

4. Nominate 10 bloggers to receive the award. Link your nominees to the post and comment on their blogs, letting them know they have been nominated.

Ready and willing? Great stuff. Here are my questions for you:

  1. If you could learn one skill that you’ve never had, what would it be, and why? 
  2. What do you love more taking photographs or writing? 
  3. Are you an extrovert or an introvert? 
  4. Do you have a fear that you have not yet conquered?
  5. Do you have a dream you’ve suppressed due to life commitments?  
  6. Are you a night owl or a morning person?
  7. What book has made a huge impact on you? 
  8. If you could travel to any place in Canada, where would it be? 
  9. What qualities most touch you in a person? 
  10. What do you do when inspiration to create leaves you?


20 thoughts on “A little sunshine…

  1. Pingback: So Much Sunshine to the Square Inch » Diane Jarvis-Schuller

  2. Such a pretty photo, beautifully edited. And such fun answers! {PS – Check out yesterday’s FOL post. You might just find a surprise there.}

  3. Pingback: Start the Week with Sunshine Indigo Janson

  4. Sherry, I’ve been out of touch a few days but what a lovely post to catch up with! I enjoyed the chance to get to know you even better. Your flowers with their painterly look are also a beautiful way to start a week. Thank you for making this Monday morning a good one!

    I’m delighted to be nominated for a Sunshine Award and look forward to posting about it today. It was kind of you to think of me and my site, and means a lot to me to be included in this list of inspiring and lovely blogs.

    Plus you solved my problem of what to write about today… 🙂 Congratulations on your own Sunshine Award, I can’t think of anyone more deserving.

  5. Hi Sherry! Thank you for understanding about the award and all it entails! As I mentioned before, I have actually answered the questions and will send them to you with pleasure if you give me a contact address through my gmail address on my blog!

    It was really fun to visit all the other people’s blogs that you nominated. I even knew several of them! So it’s nice to recreate links to these gifted photo and writer bloggers!

    I appreciate it that you’re on a similar wavelength to me for the things we like to blog about!

    Have a beautiful week! Sandra

  6. Thank you so much, Sherry – I’m honoured, flattered and humbled. What great company you’ve put me in – I look forward to exploring those among your list that I hadn’t yet discovered. And congratulations to you, you really do deserve the award.

    OK, all that said… I must confess that while not yet decided, I am leaning towards not accepting your very thoughtful award, partly because right now is an extremely busy time for me and I’m not sure I have the capacity to tackle that set of interesting but challenging questions. I like to be punctual and that really wouldn’t be possible right now. And also because, like Sandra, I’m feeling reluctant to pose a similar set of questions to 10 others. Perhaps that’s the introvert in me speaking (there’s my answer to question #3).

  7. Thanks, Sandra, for recognizing the spirit with which the award was intended and for being such a good sport about the questions…I understand your feelings completely.

    I hope you discover a few sympatico bloggers through this — I think that’s really what it’s all about! As well as a way for bloggers to express their appreciation for each other. I am regularly inspired by your images and words…and wanted others to know that.

    Please don’t feel obliged to answer the questions. Most do it on their blogs so others can get to know them a bit better. But I know it takes time and effort…and you’d most likely rather be out shooting or walking or something equally rewarding. 😉 Cheers…

  8. Sherry, thank you so much, so very kind of you! And your images here…wow! They are truly works of art! I’ve started to play a bit with textures…I may have to look into Kim’s class at some point!

  9. Sherry, how kind of you to include me in your list for the Sunshine Award!
    I always enjoy coming in here to see your lovely photography and to read your words. Thank you!

    I don’t mind answering your questions, but I find it uncomfortable to contact ten other people to play the game.

    Just let me know where you would like me to send the answers to your questions. I enjoyed reading yours!

    Now I’m going to check out the blogs I don’t know which you have nominated above.

  10. Oh my goodness, Sherry, I am truly so flattered to be amongst your choices.
    To be chosen by one whose work I so admire is really an honor.
    Thank you so very much.

  11. This was a lovely post Sherry and your writing is wonderful…you know how to express yourself and honor others…and of course, your photography is always stunning..
    I better get back to work on mine…

  12. Sherry I’m honoured! And I see that I’m in very good company as well! I loved reading/learning more about you..and that you are spreading sunshine throughout the online social community! xo

  13. Pingback: Sunshine in my heart – thanks to a wonderful blog-friend and her nomination of the sunshine award | nicseventysix's Blog

  14. Oh Sherry you just made my day! Thank you so much…sometimes the window opens to bring you some sunshine when you need it the most. I don’t normally play along because of time restraints on my life…but I am going to make an exception this once. I love the questions and you are such a sweetie!

  15. Sherry, you are a ray of sunshine. Thank you for the award — I will play but I may have to postpone my response for next week. I’ll be sure to let you know.
    It was really quite enjoyable reading your responses. 12 times to NYC! Wow.

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