13 thoughts on “Weekly photo challenge: Lost in the details…

  1. Absolutely breathtaking, Sherry! Great colors in both the water and the rocks there, and I really love the fluid motion you’ve brought to life!

  2. Stunning combination of colour, texture, light. And to match it so perfectly with the quote from Rumi. Sherry, thank-you. An image and saying to carry me through another gray day here in Wakefield! xo ML

  3. You capture the light just right to have such a clear clean snap shot of the water crashing against the rock – and the back ground water looks so refreshing and the blue tones so great – what a beautiful photo!!

  4. What a gorgeous moment in time, Sherry. The way you caught the splash of that wave as it hit the rock is perfect! Just look at the colour of that water and the contrast of the rock! It does my eyes good just to contemplate this scene! I like the Rumi quotation too…

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