Weekly photo challenge: Signs


I’m always taking pictures of funny and eye-catching signage, but this is my all-time favorite shot. I couldn’t have asked for better timing. Love the irony!

I have a few favorite discoveries to share with you this weekend. Wishing you all a great one!

creamy avocado pesto / homemade ginger ale/ brown butter salted caramel mocha cookies

On the crime of outshining

Shadows by Indigo Janson

Two new photography e-courses from Kim Manley Ort (Photos by Design and Adventures in Seeing) (I just finished a fabulous e-course with her. Learned so much!)

Just added…for mind-blowingly beautiful space pics — watch this video!

Quote for the day

It’s odd when I think of the arc of my life, from child to young woman to aging adult. First I was who I was. Then I didn’t know who I was. Then I invented someone, and became her. Then I began to like what I’d invented. And finally I was what I was again.

Anna Quindlen

12 thoughts on “Weekly photo challenge: Signs

  1. Good for the dog. Dog’s can’t read signs 😆 As for the sign, don’t quite get it when the first time saw it in New York. All over the place.

  2. there are sometimes just not enough places on a sign to write the words “pick up” – it’s almost like there was an ulterior motive going into the creation of that one. well done on the im-pick-able timing!

  3. Your picture made me smile! I don’t think you ever have a dull moment with Angus and Charles to brighten every day. How kind of you to give my photo a mention. I’m off to explore your other finds. Have a fantastic weekend Sherry.

  4. Great post Sherry…the dog one is wonderful…I have a squirrel one like that, I’ll have to look it up and share it with you..
    Love all of your Friday tips…especially the brown button, coffee cookie recipe…thanks so much for sharing.

  5. Love that photo! And, the quote by Anna Quindlen. I can so relate. And, thanks so much for your participation in my class and for mentioning my other classes here. It is very much appreciated.

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