Your all-time favorite posts…

The other day I was thinking about where to take my blog in the months ahead. I have a few ideas, but things are still percolating. When I looked back I was surprised to realize that I had been averaging 10 posts a month since I started blogging, and lately it’s been more than that.

I’m not a terribly regimented kind of blogger — I tend to post when the spirit moves me. I don’t plan ahead much at all, and my blog tends to reflect what I’m seeing and learning and loving most in the moment.

Bottom line, I blog because I love to make and share images.

I never set out to compete in the numbers game. I’m really happiest if my blog attracts kindred spirits — anybody who is on a journey — inwardly and outwardly — and wants to see where creative image-making will take them. YOU are my tribe.

I know I’m a huge fan of so many photography-oriented blogs out there. And it has certainly been gratifying — and astonishing — to see that views, visits and followers have been climbing steadily over time on this one. And to notice the depth and thoughtfulness of the comments you leave.

But I’ve never tried to figure out what will appeal most to blog readers, contrary to the advice of the pro blogger types. I don’t really know what kinds of posts speak to people…

So I thought it might be fun to have a look at what my stats say. Over the last almost two years,Ā these were the posts with the most views and comments, in no particular order.

I’m happy to see that I still like all of these posts. I don’t find myself cringing when I read them again, so that’s good. Many of them were from my first year so they have had more opportunity to accumulate views.

Many of these posts feature more than one image (a few are compilations or photostories), and a lot include some kind of reflection on what I’m learning about photography or life.

So what should I make of this?

My goal is not to change my blog into something that it’s not and I’m not, but if I can make it better and give readers more to chew on and respond to, then I want to do that.

So should I challenge myself to go bigger with some of my posts, both in text and images (when the subject merits it, of course)? Should I share more of what I’m learning in words rather than let the images speak for themselves?

For those of you who have a personal photography blog, I’m curious about how you decide what type of posts to emphasize. And what do you look for when reading a personal photography blog? Do you want to be inspired, informed, instructed, or entertained? Or are you seeking something else?

I feel so incredibly privileged to be part of an online creative community that includes you. I am endlessly inspired by your creations. I continue to be deeply grateful for opening up new worlds and possibilities to me.

12 thoughts on “Your all-time favorite posts…

  1. I love your work Sherry, truly I do! I cannot provide any insight into any directions you should take here as I already really enjoy following along with your current format and posts. My dad used to always say “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!” and that might well be true for this discussion here! Keep it up my friend and I will keep following!

  2. you know, I had some similar thoughts myself when I switched my blog from business-oriented to personal and ended up writing strictly personal tidbits about just about anything of interest to me. I think your blog is already appealing as it is. But if you change it, I feel it’s best to change it because it’s YOU who wishes to change it in some way. Just like authors (of books) — the best ones write for themselves not for the audience. Even if it’s the audience who read them, you need to be satisfied and feel fulfilled by what you write and present. I will tell you two things that turn me off in a blog, but you don’t do that, so you’re not in that category: I find it unappealing to read about someone’s personal woes on a continual basis and I also find it difficult to stick with a blog when the blog post is interminably long. Your blog is neither of those things. I don’t read many blogs (very few in fact) and those I do visit give me pleasure in some way or another — your blog does that every time so that’s why I’m here. I love your photos and whether you simply include a quote or if you write about something you want to share, each and every time I enjoy what you have written. Like the 3 bears, it’s “just right”!

  3. I love that you blog for all the reasons you’ve stated. I love that I know when I come here I will be treated to a feast. Wherever you take this or whatever you do in the next few months…whether you keep it as it is or move into a deeper reflection, I know that it will be wonderful. xo

  4. So funny that you are thinking about all this Sherry, and what you wrote is exactly how I have always approached my blog. I agree with what others have said but it is up to what is in your heart at this time as to how you want to go forth. Only you can know that. I love your blog the way it is and I am sure I would love it no matter what. As a fellow and kindred spirit we have something in common the love of nature and will always be drawn to that.
    I have never been impressed by other bloggers who try to get as many new readers as possible just to see the numbers go up, Why what does that do? I mean really. I am also not a fan of reading a long post, I love images. That is just me.
    Our blogs are a reflection of who we are and that is a good thing.

  5. Hi, thank you for visiting me, I have been visiting you in silence and marveling at your photography…You seem to be posing many of the questions I have been considering myself, my blog turning 4 years come January and 500+ posts. I agree with Sandra, since my own photography is very much tied to my spirituality then I do like to write my thoughts too. Since at college I could not decide which were more important to me image or words I concluded they were one and the same, linked. Having said that I do love to see something that can stand alone, total impact…Yes kindred spirits supporting the journey they seem to gather along the path!

  6. I have noticed with blog posting over the last year or so, that I have greatly reduced my blog entries. I don’t plan in advance. I see what speaks to me in the moment.
    I think the best thing is to follow your heart, listen to your intuition. You are choosing photographs that speak to you, not to please the masses. When you are true to yourself, which I think you are, then this truth comes through in what you post.
    We can only ever be ourselves and then what we show in our photographs, or speak about, is authentic.
    I am like Susan above, I like to enter the world of images without too much text in the post.
    But if writing is your first love, then go with that too! Kindred spirits will be there on the journey with you.
    Statistics don’t matter, but being true to oneself does!
    I enjoyed all the images above and especially love the orb and the sailor in full action!

  7. What Bente said, word for word! I want to be inspired by the images mainly and I’m not interested in reading an entire novel in one post! I think your blog is perfect, I wouldn’t change a thing!

  8. I want to be inspired most of all, and your photography is a good example. It can also be interesting to read how some people are doing things, how they edit pictures or other stuff. But to see different kind of photos is most important. I prefer not too many pictures at a time (not 200 in one post.. ;)) and also not too long a text. In my own blogging I don’t have a fixed plan. I blog when I get the time and inspiration and most of the time I use some new photos, a few times some old ones. My problem I have too many and many is not yet edited….

  9. Don’t change anything..Keep taking the photos and sharing your thoughts. I can’t remember how I came to your blog but I enjoy it immensely. Photography is my passion/hobby and blogs like yours help me to think beyond just taking the snapshot. Just keep posting!

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