Lessons from a life afloat…

She must find a boat and sail in it. No guarantee of shore. Only a conviction that what she wanted could exist, if she dared to find it.

Jeanette Winterson

I was honoured to be asked to contribute a guest post to Focusing on Life (FOL) , a collaborative blog by a group of women whose photography and writing I’ve long admired.(Thanks, Dotti!)

In my post, I share some key life lessons I’ve learned from living on a sailboat in southern climes part of the year. This lifestyle is our dream — we love the freedom, enjoy the new experiences that open up to us every day and embrace living with less. It’s not for everybody, that’s for sure, but we all have our own dreams and places where we feel most alive and at home with ourselves. What’s yours?

Click here to read my guest post.

Focusing on Life has as its goal “to create a caring community for people who are passionate about photography and life. We hope this will be a place that will inspire, teach, nurture, support and accept one another; a place where we can grow in our craft and as individuals.”

Why not come over and check out FOL? And while you’re there have a look at some of the other posts. I’m sure you’ll be inspired and delighted by the talent of the regular contributors and guest posters too. If you like what you see, you’ll want to become a regular reader and part of this wonderful supportive community.

16 thoughts on “Lessons from a life afloat…

  1. Pingback: Your Weekly Dose of Inspiration: 30 Amazing Photography Links

  2. so amazing, I think everyone has a longing for a simpler life deep inside. Glad your has been a reality. and such adventure! You go girl! Love the FOL post on your history.

  3. Pingback: Home - Telling Your Story

  4. Love your post, saw it the other day and meant to comment something came up and didn’t get back to it. Well I am back now, One day I am going to have a Caption or a Princess Charles or Charlene I just know it. I love that breed. Just the cutest. Stunning images and your lifestyle is marvelous.

  5. Visiting your blog from focusing on life and would love to follow you, but don’t see how to do it… Do you have any method for this… email follow, friends connect. don’t see any options.

  6. Loved the guest post – perhaps your best ever. For you to have boiled this down into those three specific lessons was brilliant! As you know I’ve lived a life afloat too, but I’m not sure I would have been able to sum up what really counts so succinctly, nor express it so well. Thanks for doing the post – it’s made my day.

  7. Thanks so much for being our guest today, Sherry, and for your sweet words here. We loved hearing your stories as well as seeing your beautiful photography. So glad you shared them with us.

  8. So very nice of you to say all this – and I loved your post! Thanks for being a part of a good thing! And I’m excited to be a part of yours going forward. I can’t resist a great attitude coupled with great pictures and great writing!



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